Yearly Archives - 2018

Cope with anticipatory anxiety

Tips To Help You Cope With Anticipatory Anxiety

Are looking for help to cope with anticipatory anxiety? Anticipatory anxiety is better known as the "fear of fear." It’s a very appropriate term because unlike normal anxiety, anticipatory anxiety causes you to fear your own anxiety symptoms; you end up chasing your own panic attacks and as a result, you create more panic attacks. In its chronic form, anticipatory anxiety is also known as panic disorder.

Tips to cope with anticipatory anxiety
Anticipatory anxiety is also known as the fear of fear.

For those who are asking whether it's normal to have this kind of anticipation, the answer is both yes and no. It's normal to feel anxious about a huge event, such as your first date, a driving test, a job interview, or a speech. It only becomes a problem if it seems to be occurring on a regular basis and on events that you generally wouldn't consider to be that overwhelming.

So what can you do to help you cope with anticipatory anxiety? There's no specific formula that works for everybody, since different people will have varying degrees of symptoms. Nevertheless, there are general ways that can help you minimise the impact of worry and fear when they come. Sometimes working with just one anticipatory anxiety tip that resonates with you can be more effective than attacking it with several, particularly since some tips may appear to contradict others! What will help you as an individual can depend on how your fear is progressing and your core beliefs.


Tip 1: Establish the basis of your fear

A common first step to help you cope with anticipatory anxiety is to start by asking yourself on what are you basing your fear. You may have experienced a trauma in your past that justifies you anticipating that trauma again, but put the trauma into the context of the bigger picture. How many similar events (not involving you) have ended successfully without trauma? It’s important to reach out and expand all of the other experiences (the factual evidence) that you are ignoring at the emotional level. So if you have a fear of flying, visualise yourself in the many millions of flights taking off and landing successfully to reassure your anticipation. Your panic attack will have no connection with the success of your next flight, but it will ruin the enjoyment of your journey should you decide to fly. Take control of your anticipatory anxiety and you can trust your pilot will take care of your flight for you.


Tip 2: Interrupt your fearful thoughts

Another tip to help you cope with anticipatory anxiety is to interrupt your fearful thoughts. Fearful thoughts can spiral out of control and keep you trapped in your anxiety. Your imagination can just keep expanding each anxious thought until your symptoms are distressing you.

Once you notice that you are beginning to feel overwhelmed because of a particular thought, interrupt that thought with a positive one. Let's say you're worrying about losing your job. In such a scenario, you will be anticipating feeling worthless and dwelling on the follow-on catastrophes such as losing your house or your partner abandoning you. Your positive thought may relate to identifying why you are good at your job or what skills you can develop (with training) to maintain your employability. More often than not, this change of thought can interrupt your fearful thoughts and help you to cope with anticipatory anxiety. Italso keeps the negative thoughts from taking over your mind and emotions whenever they come back.


Tip 3: Imagine the best-case scenario

Cope with anticipatory anxiety by imagining the best-case scenario
Visualise the best-case scenario and your mind will be drawn towards it.

It's interesting that the human brain is designed for protection. When the nervous system is aroused, it gets ready to prepare for the worst. That's the downside though. Since its priority is safety, the brain automatically surveys for the worst-case scenarios so that it can prepare the body just in case. This is not a problem for the average person. For individuals with anticipatory anxiety, however, this can be a huge predicament. You’ve probably heard and used the phrase “What’s the worst thing that can happen?” It’s a common technique used in cognitive therapy to restructure your catastrophe and can be very useful for certain people in different situations. Do you find that when you imagine the worst case scenario though, your imagination draws you towards the worst-case scenario, as if you are doomed? If it does, then you will probably benefit by imagining the best-case scenario. Yes, be bold with the power of your mind and change your emotional journey! It won’t always give you control over the external situation, but it can give you an immediate feeling of calm by imagining the best outcome. This can be a huge step towards learning to cope with anticipatory anxiety.


Tip 4: Learn to relax

In a busy world like ours, it's very easy to overlook the fact that our mind and body need relaxation. You are more susceptible to worry and anxiety when your mind is not rested. To cope with anticipatory anxiety, you need to make it a habit of taking a “Time-out” at least once in your day. That doesn't necessarily mean not doing anything. There are many activities that you can engage in that can help your mind and body rest. Identify what you enjoy most. Gardening, reading, writing, hanging out with friends, yoga, exercising, and yes, even playing a sport! – All of these activities will help keep your mind relaxed and rested, if not during but after the activity. If you are curious about doing “mind work”, then “passive” relaxation can be just as effective. Consider meditation, mindfulness and breathing techniques to lower stress and anxiety.


Tip 5: Take a step out of your thoughts

It can be so easy to be convinced by your thoughts when you live inside of them. The potential to be pulled into believing those worst case scenarios (explained in tip 3) can leave you feeling helpless, despite those situations rarely ever materialising. Several authors emphasise the ability to be the observer of your thoughts rather than being your thoughts. This is a way to effectively “hack” the natural anxious thinking process and create distance from its influence. To help you cope with anticipatory anxiety using this tip, you’ll benefit by getting into your mind zone (suggested in tip 4) where you can calm your mind and slow down the pace of your thoughts. You can then use your imagination to visualise stepping out of your anxious thoughts, leaving them behind and appreciating the freedom it gives you to choose where you want to take them. Feel empowered when you access a deeper relaxation, confidence or self-belief. All of these can be your liberation from anticipatory anxiety.


Tip 6: Get enough sleep

Just as anxiety can keep you up all night, aiming to get enough sleep can help you to cope with anticipatory anxietymore effectively. The two simply have such a strong relationship, and that relationship is bi-directional. This means that if you want to treat one, you also need to treat the other. When it comes to sleep, however, the key is to get 7 to 8 hours a night and establish good sleep hygiene practices. This will help improve your morning mood and levels of irritability. To improve the quality of your sleep, you need to slowly eliminate activities that stimulate your mind before bedtime. This may include reducing caffeine intake, limiting your screen time, and tailoring your environment to make it more conducive for sleeping. Learning how to guide your mind to sleep can also be helpful.


Tip 7: Face the problem head on

Face your fear to help you cope with anticipatory anxiety
Facing your fear is an effective way to cope with anticipatory anxiety.

The motivational phrase "face your fear" may be a bit of a cliché, but it’s actually an excellent way to cope with anticipatory anxiety. For the pragmatist, it’s the antidote to being left “in-waiting” for the situation to arrive with nothing to do, which typifies anticipatory anxiety. You may be ready to “flood” your experience and jump into the deep end by tackling the situation head on. Many would prefer a graduated or controlled exposure dealing with smaller parts of the situation to build confidence. If you have a fear of public speaking for example, then consider how you can start in “safe mode” developing public speaking skills whilst gradually increasing the size of your audience, the authority of your audience and the importance of the presentation task. These are common issues that when controlled, can help you develop your public speaking confidence.


Tip 8: Seek support

Whether from family or friends, it’s crucial that you have someone to support you in order for you to cope with anticipatory anxiety. When you think that you’re the only one who has anticipatory anxiety, it makes you feel more embarrassed and self-critical. It helps to have someone close whom you can share your thoughts with, and someone who can offer his or her support when you’re overwhelmed.

Finally, it’s critical that you seek professional help from a therapist or hypnotherapist. This is especially true when you are suffering from chronic anticipatory anxiety or panic disorder. With hypnotherapy, so many of the tips offered in this article can be suggested to your mind without conscious interference. You will also benefit from a huge reduction of anxiety when you are in hypnosis.


For further information on how hypnotherapy can help you cope with anticipatory anxiety, contact Richard J D’Souza Hypnotherapy Cardiff.




Hypnotherapy in practice

Hypnotherapy in practice: What happens in your consultation?

Hypnotherapy in practice can be difficult to understand
Hypnotherapy involves key steps and techniques to help you achieve your goals.
Hypnotherapy in practice can be very challenging to understand. The inexperienced client usually feels as though hypnotherapy uses techniques and principles that are mysterious. But how hypnotherapy works in practice is based on key steps and techniques that hypnotherapists are embracing to improve hypnotherapy treatment outcomes. In light of this, the main purpose of this article is to clarify the approach hypnotherapy uses and how its treatment plan can help you.  

Hypnotherapy in practice: The hypnotherapy consultation

As with any therapeutic approach, the hypnotherapeutic process begins with a consultation session. This step is emphasised because it can help determine the path which the treatment procedures will take. By using the consultation process, the hypnotherapist is not only informed about your formal details and identity, but they are also provided with a case history about your life, medical history, and personal lifestyle. In addition, this step can define the goals and direction that the treatment should take and how it can benefit you. Without these objectives in mind, the treatment process will not solve your individual problems, nor achieve the desired therapeutic results. The background issues inform the hypnotherapist about the key features of your personal struggle to achieve your goal. You, in turn, are also educated about the issues that you want to resolve, what is holding you back and the treatment plan that the hypnotherapist will suggest to help get you there. One of the most important elements in hypnotherapy is the effective use of hypnosis. Since it is a technique that requires the application of suggestions, the hypnotherapist will want to make sure that you are realistically educated about its principles and benefits. This is an important stage in the treatment process to ensure your collaboration. The hypnotherapist will then identify your strengths and determine your hypnotic suggestibility. You are likely to benefit far more from treatment approaches that match your personal profile, rather than using generic approaches (or scripts) that hope to connect with your issues in an arbitrary way.  

Hypnotherapy in practice: The therapy stage

Hypnotherapy in practice involves three key stages
Preparing you for your treatment is an important part of the overall treatment process.
Generally, hypnotherapists adopt approaches that work within a three stage treatment plan. In the first stage, the hypnotherapeutic process essentially tries to prepare your most suitable state for treatment. You are encouraged to engage with the hypnotherapist and helped to acquire psychological resources and the resilience to undergo the treatment process. As soon you demonstrate this readiness, the hypnotherapist then (secondly) introduces you to the treatment phase where varied hypnotic techniques and treatment procedures are directly addressed to your issues. Finally, you move to the last stage where the new behaviours and positive responses are maintained and secured. This is especially crucial to ensure that the new responses are fully learned and integrated so that the old behaviour patterns do not re-emerge. It also takes into account adjustments within the treatment strategies that are based on your continuing feedback. As stated earlier, the use of hypnosis is likely to be predominant in the treatment process. So, you will notice some of hypnosis will be used to relax you during the hypnotic induction. Whenever a treatment session is to be conducted, you will be given suggestions to create imaginary places or access points through which you can feel highly relaxed and responsive. It is in this way that treatment suggestions make an impact. The client often considers the feelings created during the hypnotic induction to be the treatment, but this is rarely the case unless your goal is to feel relaxed. Actually, the most important part of the treatment process is the effective application of hypnotic techniques that help your achieve your goal. In its most basic form, hypnosis involves the use of suggestion techniques that are either direct or indirect. The direct suggestions are explicit instructions that the hypnotherapist uses to obtain immediate and clear responses from you. The indirect suggestions, however, are softer ways in which the hypnotherapist can access your responses. Usually, the latter helps you feel less as a subject and more as a partner in the therapy process. In the end, hypnotherapists employ both types of suggestions to suitable circumstances and in different degrees to contrasting clients. Advanced techniques such as analysis and regression can also utilised to further reinforce the treatment where suggestions have a limited effect.  

Hypnotherapy in practice: Summary

Having clarified some techniques in hypnotherapy, it should be understood that the therapeutic process is a highly dynamic one. The hypnotherapist usually has to do a lot of work to ensure that the treatment takes place within different time-frames. As a result, there is a myriad of techniques and procedures used in the process apart from the general use of hypnotic suggestions. It is not surprising that hypnotherapy gives a mysterious impression because it approaches different goals with special care and distinctive therapy management. Your treatment can involve many individual features that supplement your progress. These can include homework tasks with controlled desensitisation and practising self-hypnosis to help with the management of your emotional state in specific situations.
Hypnotherapy in practice involves a number of techniques
You will feel connected with your hypnotherapist when these procedure stages are followed.
It is important for the hypnotherapists to know and use these general procedure-stages. It is also essential for hypnotherapists to educate themselves on the various hypnotherapeutic solutions and benefits when applying a breadth of therapeutic techniques. When you are being treated by hypnotherapists who adopt these therapeutic strategies, you can be assured that you will receive a professional hypnotherapy service tailored to your individual needs and with maximised goal-oriented benefits.  

For further information about hypnotherapy in practice,

contact Richard J D’Souza Hypnotherapy Cardiff.


Misconceptions of hypnosis

Common misconceptions of hypnosis: What does hypnosis in movies do to the public’s perception of hypnotherapy?

Despite hypnotherapy gaining ground as a respected therapy, there are still some common misconceptions of hypnosis that affect the public’s perception of hypnotherapy. What does the thought of being hypnotised do to you? Do you imagine that you are going to be put into a deep trance-like state of sleep and then commanded to do things against your will? And if you are considering consulting with a hypnotherapist to help you conquer your phobia, stop smoking or lose weight, do you believe that you could get locked into your hypnotic state and my never come out of it? Well, if you do then I doubt that you are alone in this belief; misconceptions of hypnosis are still widespread.
misconceptions of hypnosis levitation
Hypnosis films can exaggerate the power of hypnosis

Misconceptions of hypnosis: "Get Out!"

Where do these stereotypes come from that create this perception of hypnotherapy? If you’ve never reliably researched something or had numerous experiences of it to enlighten you, it’s easy to accept hearsay or be influenced by the media. With limited knowledge of something you may believe that what is being portrayed in the media is factual.  There are still some modern films that want to send those shivers down your spine and show hypnosis as mind-control. Get ready for a spoiler alert! Take for example in the thriller film “Get Out”, in which the star Chris is hypnotised by his girlfriend’s mother in order to imprison him. The film is worthy of a view for the suspense (if you like that sort of thing), and very deserving of its Oscar award, but don’t take the hypnosis too seriously. The portrayal of hypnosis is exaggerated on many levels, but let’s just looks at one of those.  

Sowing a seed of belief

In the film, Chris is tricked into being hypnotised against his will. The portrayal of hypnosis assumes that hypnosis can be used to overpower the subject and make him do things that he doesn’t want to do. If only it could! Wouldn’t everyone learn hypnosis to have this power over people? This misconception often entices the novice hypnotist to read a book on hypnosis and then fantasise that they can impress their friends with hypnotic powers. It might also encourage those who have been convinced by the mass media to sign up for a stage hypnosis training course and learn “hypnotic secrets” to control the mind of others, particularly if they somehow missed some essential points from that hypnosis book.  Again, like the media, stage hypnosis shows are similar situations in which the public are given the impression that the stage hypnotist has power over their subjects. But this is very far away from reality of hypnosis; the power that the stage hypnotist has over their subjects it that which is given over to them by their subjects. Should I have mentioned another spoiler alert before you book your stage hypnosis training course? Oh, well! Too late!  

The power trip

When you enter the hypnotherapy clinic, the “handing over of power” exists on the same level; the only power that the hypnotherapist has over you is that which you are ready to give to them. When this “power” has been given openly, a therapeutic relationship (or team) is formed and you are open to accept the hypnotherapist’s suggestions. You are then in a position to collaborate further with your hypnotherapist and be helped to achieve your goal. There are many stages in the client-hypnotherapist interaction that can affect the readiness to hand over this “power”. Even before the appointment, it can include seeing convincing advertising literature that draws your attention and in the rapport that is built up during your initial enquiry e.g. in the telephone conversation that you have with the hypnotherapist before making a booking. Then during the consultations, the hypnotherapist’s expertise (qualifications, knowledge, experience, style of communication etc.) is used to further convince you that they can help you achieve your goal. (More information on the many factors that build client expectation can be found in this hypnosis test and the article that follows it.)  

Misconceptions of hypnosis discussion: Power in hypnotherapy

swinging watch is one of many misconceptions of hypnosis
Is a swinging watch part of your perception of hypnotherapy?
Does this mean that this hypnotic “power trip” created by the films and stage hypnosis is all negative for the perception of hypnotherapy? I think that there may be situations where that “power” can be worked into the process for short-term therapeutic gains. In other words, if (as a prospective client), you are so convinced that hypnosis “makes you do things against your will” and the hypnotherapist is prepared to tactfully play along with your beliefs, the hypnotic experience could create that massive jump-start for you to achieve your goal just because you believe that you have been “hypnotised to do it”. And it could have long-term benefits depending on how much you believe in the magical “power” of hypnosis that is so often portrayed in those movies. I’m not suggesting that creating this “hypnotic power trip” situation is appropriate for every client and hypnotherapist. It might suit the “authoritative-styled” hypnotherapists who want to use hypnosis to portray that they have “power” to change clients against their will. And when they have a “hypnosis film believer” client in front of them, the outcome can be very effective. But when used as a “power-trip”, the situation is unlikely to build long-term self-confidence in the client’s own beliefs; confidence remains pinned to hypnosis or the hypnotherapist. But this comes back to establishing fundamentals in the whole treatment process. What is the precise nature of the client’s goal? Do they want a short-term fix or long-term fix? Is building “self” confidence part of that goal? Then consider, what are their underlying beliefs (about the power of hypnosis) that support the goal? If the client has just seen the film “Get Out”, as a hypnotherapist you may have some idea about their beliefs and how you want to employ those beliefs during the treatment. There are many other misconceptions of hypnosis. What has shaped your beliefs about hypnosis and hypnotherapy? Enjoy your next hypnosis movie!  

For more information on how hypnotherapy can help you,

contact Richard J D'Souza Hypnotherapy Cardiff


Making hypnotherapy goals work for you

Making hypnotherapy goals work for you

What are your hypnotherapy goals?
What are your hypnotherapy goals?
Stating your hypnotherapy goals or what you want as the outcome of the treatment is an important part of any therapy, not just in hypnotherapy. If the initial contact (by email, phone or face to face) has not already established this, a trained hypnotherapist will ask you directly about the nature of your goal (or presenting condition). They will then (re) confirm the goal during your consultation and may give some mention about the treatment methods used to help achieve it. Sometimes the goal is clear and the treatment can proceed with both parties sharing the same understanding about the direction of the therapy e.g. “I want to stop smoking”. On occasions, the nature of the goal needs further clarification to ensure that it is attainable since you may be confused about your own condition, how it continues to affect you and what could be a potential solution e.g. when you have suffered abuse in the past. The following points can clarify the nature of your hypnotherapy goals:  

That the goal can be (reasonably) defined

Some hypnotherapy goals are unrealistic and may expect far too much from a short course of treatment. Wanting to be completely “free of anxiety forever” (implying a cure) is an example of an unrealistic goal in hypnotherapy. Stating the goal more specifically can help you to establish the goal or progressive goals in your treatment program. For example:
  • With a fear of flying, your goal could be stated as “to be more relaxed during your next flight”.
  • With weight loss, your goal could be stated as “to eliminate unhealthy snacking in between meals”
  • With social anxiety, your goal could be “to learn how to relax when socialising.”
Stating it as a positive goal helps to engage your imagination and resources into the goal situation. Some clients commonly arrive with negative goals as an illustration of how they are dominated by their negative state. When asked about their goal, they reply “I don’t want to panic in my next flight”. The positive nature of the goal can be re-evaluated by asking “so what do you want (rather than not want) in your next flight?”  

How you will know that the goal is being (or has been) achieved

Sometimes identifying that the goal is being or has been achieved is obvious and is connected to the defined goal (explained above). The treatment thus ends and it is mutually acknowledged as being achieved. In some cases where several issues affect the achievement of a goal, intermediate goals may need to be set to show that progress is being made e.g. when weight management goals are being treated, but weight gain through comfort eating is found to be related to anxiety and low self esteem. The latter may need to be treated concurrently, adding anxiety management and self esteem building goals to ensure that the healthy eating patterns are long-term. Additionally, the arrival of (what is initially considered to be the achievement of) “the goal” may still require continued treatment to secure its conclusion e.g. when a smoker has just stopped smoking during the early stages of the treatment but still feels vulnerable about lapsing into smoking again. They have indicated that previous lapses have occurred due to stress. Stress management goals would also be necessary to help secure the goal of stopping smoking for a sufficient period after initially stopping smoking.
Hypnotherapy goals have been achieved
What happens when your hypnotherapy goals have been achieved?
Imagining the arrival of your goal as a future goal-achievement “lifestyle scene” is a useful strategy in goal setting. It can create an open pathway for your mind to explore what happens when the goal is achieved in its entirety. The scene can be accessed by asking the questions “Imagine that you have gone through a successful process of change, how would you know that you have arrived? What would you be sensing, feeling, communicating and doing in the new situation X when this change has taken place?” These questions can almost create a momentary hypnosis. When you immerse yourself into that scene, it can project you into the experience of your goal and can demolish some established negative “anchors” (or connected internal responses that are inhibiting you from achieving it). In addition to asking the question, the client can benefit by visualising it when they are in hypnosis to intensify the desired state.  

That the goal can be achieved in a realistic timeframe

This can involve a discussion about the estimated number of sessions required to achieve your goal. It can also give some indication of the duration of the course of treatment (estimated number of weeks and potential frequency of visits to treat the condition). You can expect these figures to be estimates since every client brings a different background to their treatment, but it’s worth asking these questions to gauge your treatment plan. Stating when you want to achieve your goal by can help set up a schedule of treatment consultations (number of possible sessions before a deadline e.g. the date that you are giving a presentation). It will also help to identify the time available to work on any proposed homework tasks. Some hypnotherapy goals have continuous targets e.g. when you have a fear of public speaking and you are giving a series of presentations at regular intervals. Treatment progressions can be revised based on the feedback that you give in the subsequent session following each of your presentations. Unrealistic timeframes usually involve last minute bookings with a demand for a cure of your condition. An example can include wanting one of those “I’ve done nothing about this until the last moment, but am still hopeful for a cure” treatment for your fear of flying, when you are flying tomorrow! Even though some clients can respond quickly to hypnosis, it’s more realistic to expect help to “control” some of your fear symptoms at this short notice, rather than outright cures.  

That the goal can be achieved in view of (or in spite of) any personal history, medical issues or situational factors that might affect its accomplishment

When your goal is not “blocked” by background traumas and conflicting beliefs, you can usually set a realistic goal and achieve it independently; the process does not need therapy (external help) to accomplish it. The impact of past doubts and internal conflicts however can harm your ability to achieve your goal. Therapy then becomes an option to objectively deal with your internal conflicts, reframing these negatives and maximising the focus into your goal so that you can see a clear pathway into its achievement. A professional hypnotherapist will discuss your medical history, background of the condition and lifestyle issues in the earlier part of your treatment, usually in the initial stage of the first consultation. These details can help indicate the extent to which the presenting condition or goal is being “weighed down” by other core issues. Sometimes when a client is highly suggestible to hypnosis, the goal can be treated in isolation of these core background issues and rapid change can take place. (You can assess your level of suggestibility here.) However, it is more common for these deeper background issues to need reframing to help you feel that the goal is detached from your negative history and can then be freely accessed. To illustrate this, consider the following example. You suffer with panic attacks (this is your presenting condition) and you want to be able to control them (this is your goal). Hypnotic techniques are used to treat the panic attacks but are only partially helpful. Further enquiries into your background reveal post traumatic stress disorder and childhood abuse (cause of your conflicts). The emotions related to the abuse are reframed in your treatment and the panic attacks are subsequently eased (your goal is achieved).  


create your hypnotherapy goals
Are you ready to achieve your hypnotherapy goals?
Discussing the hypnotherapy goals is an essential part of the treatment process. Openly examining the nature of your goal can have several benefits including:
  • Establishing a direction for the treatment.
  • Clarifying if the initial expectations are realistic.
  • Helping you set up an early positive “anchor” with the goal so that it can then be accessed and reinforced in the hypnotic treatment.
  • Identifying a timescale to achieve the goal.
  • Reframing what conflicts are stopping you from achieving your goal.
  • Building rapport between you and the hypnotherapist
Are you ready to achieve your hypnotherapy goals?
(Further reading: When you are struggling to achieve your general goals, the SMART approach can be a useful strategy.)

For further information on achieving your hypnotherapy goals, contact Richard J D'Souza, senior hypnotherapist at Clinical Hypnotherapy Cardiff.


Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice

This Privacy Notice describes how we collect, use, share, retain and safeguard personal data. It explains your individual rights that in summary include your right to know what data is held about you, how this data is processed and how you can place restrictions on the use of your data.  

What is personal data?

Personal data is information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Examples include an individual’s name, age, and address, date of birth, gender and contact details. Personal data may contain information which is known as special categories of personal data. This may be information relating to and not limited to, an individual’s health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic and biometric data, or data relating to sexual orientation. Personal data may also contain data relating to criminal convictions and offences. For the purposes of safeguarding and processing criminal conviction and offence data responsibly, this data is treated in the same manner as special categories of personal data, where we are legally required to comply with specific data processing requirements.  

Personal data we collect

In order for us to provide and administer hypnotherapy treatments for you, we will collect and process personal data about you. We will also collect your personal data where you request information about our services, customer events, promotions and campaigns. You may provide us with personal data when completing the Contact Form and emails, when you contact us via the telephone (and text), through other websites linked to our services, when writing to us directly or where we provide you with paper based forms for completion or we complete a treatment form in conjunction with you during your hypnotherapy consultation. We will share personal data with authorised third parties only where we are required to do so by law. We will collect your personal data when you visit our website, where we will collect your unique online electronic identifier; this is commonly known as an IP address. Where we collect data directly from you, we are considered to be the controller of that data i.e. we are the data controller.
  • A data ‘controller’ means the individual or organisation which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.
  • A data ‘processor’ means the individual or organisation which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.
As a provider of your hypnotherapy treatment, we will process the following categories of data:
  • Personal data such as an individual’s name, address, date of birth, gender, contact details.
  • Relevant medical history.
  • Background information related to your hypnotherapy treatment.
If you object to the collection, sharing and use of your personal data we may be unable to provide you with a hypnotherapy treatment. For the purposes of meeting the Data Protection Act 2018 territorial scope requirements, the United Kingdom is identified as the named territory where the processing of personal data takes place. If you require more information about our data handling processes or further details on how we collect personal data and with whom we share data with, please contact Richard J D’Souza, email:  

Why do we need your personal data?

We use your personal data for the purposes of conducting your hypnotherapy treatment, and to respond to any requests from you about services we provide. We will also use your personal data to perform statistical analysis on the data we collect, for financial planning and business forecasting purposes and to help develop new and market existing products and services. By contacting us, you should understand that you are forming a contract with us and we consider ourselves as having a legitimate business interest to provide you with further information about our products and services. You may request to be withdrawn from all such marketing activities at any time. Please contact Richard J D’Souza, email:  

Data retention

  • We will retain your data for a period of 10 years. Your data is then destroyed.
  • Where you or law enforcement agencies inform us about any active investigation or potential criminal prosecution, we will comply with legal requirements when retaining this data.
The retention of data is necessary where required for contractual, legal or regulatory purposes or for our legitimate business interests, for statistical analysis (profiling) and product development and marketing purposes. Sometimes we may need to retain your data for longer, for example if we are supporting you or defending ourselves in a legal dispute or as required by law or where evidence exists that a future complaint may occur. Please contact Richard J D’Souza, email:  if you object to the use of, or you have any questions relating to the use of, your data, the retention of your personal data. You can opt out of receiving marketing services by e-mailing Richard J D’Souza, email:  

Your rights

Individuals are provided with legal rights governing the use of their personal data. These grant individuals the right to understand what personal data relating to them is held, for what purpose, how it is collected and used, with whom it is shared, where it is located, to object to its processing, to have the data corrected if inaccurate, to take copies of the data and to place restrictions on its processing. Individuals can also request the deletion of their personal data. These rights are known as Individual Rights under the Data Protection Act 2018. The following list details these rights:
  • The right to be informed about the personal data being processed
  • The right of access to your personal data
  • The right to object to the processing of your personal data
  • The right to restrict the processing of your personal data
  • The right to rectification of your personal data
  • The right to erasure of your personal data;
  • The right to data portability (to receive an electronic copy of your personal data)
  Rights relating to automated decision making including profiling Individuals can exercise their Individual Rights at any time. As mandated by law we will not charge a fee to process these requests, however if your request is considered to be repetitive, wholly unfounded and/or excessive, we are entitled to charge a reasonable administration fee. In exercising your Individual Rights, you should understand that in some situations we may be unable to fully meet your request, for example if you make a request for us to delete all your personal data, we may be required to retain some data for prevention of crime and for regulatory and other statutory purposes. You should understand that when exercising your rights, a substantial public or vital interest may take precedence over any request you make. In addition, where these interests apply, we are required by law to grant access to this data for law enforcement, legal and/or health related matters. If you require further information on your Individual Rights or you wish to exercise your Individual Rights, please contact Richard J D’Souza, email:  

Protecting your data

We will take all appropriate technical and organisational steps to protect the confidentiality, integrity, availability and authenticity of your data, including when sharing your data with authorised third parties.  

Data Privacy Representative

To ensure data privacy and protection has appropriate focus within our organisation we have a Data Privacy Representative. Currently this Data Privacy Representative is Richard J D’Souza. The Data Privacy Representative may be contacted by email:  


If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the way in which we process your personal data please contact our Data Privacy Representative. You also have the right to complain to the UK’s data protection supervisory authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ICO may be contacted via its website which is, by live chat or by calling their helpline on 0303 123 1113.  

How to contact us

If you have any questions regarding this Notice, the use of your data and your Individual Rights please contact our Data Privacy Representative: Richard J D’Souza, email:, or by telephoning 07738 938197, or by writing to Richard J D’Souza at the current practice address advertised in the Contact Details page of this website.

Hypnotherapy Pontypridd

Hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff

If you have become locked into self-limiting patterns of thinking, beliefs or behaviour, then Hypnotherapy Pontypridd and Cardiff can help you take control of your life again. We offer you confidential and professional hypnotherapy consultations for a variety of conditions. Hypnotherapy is renowned for treating conditions like stopping smoking, weight loss and phobias, but many other stress and anxiety-related issues can also benefit from hypnotherapy. These include habit modification, depression, fears, panic attacks, relationship issues and performance anxiety. Any condition that has a thought, emotion, belief or behaviour component can be treated by a professional hypnotherapist. A more comprehensive treatment list can be found here.  

Hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff offers

the highest standards of hypnotherapy across South Wales


How can you personally benefit from Hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff?

Hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff
Choose hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff to achieve your therapeutic goal
Expertise: Recently qualified hypnotherapists often rely on set scripts to treat their clients. Since you and the issues that you bring to this practice is unique, so your treatment here is also individually tailored to treat you and your individual goals. Richard’s therapy is completely bespoke. The most effective techniques are selected to treat your symptoms and their causes. Experience: Having been in practise for over 20 years, Richard has acquired a wealth of knowledge and experience having treated many patients and treated a wide range of conditions. You can be assured that this confidence has helped make the most informed decisions when formulating his treatment plans, whilst still respecting your individuality. Professionalism: Registered hypnotherapists are trained to follow the highest standards of clinical practise. Richard is a member of the 3 top hypnotherapy associations: The Hypnotherapy Association, General Hypnotherapy Register, and Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council. You can be assured that the highest levels of practitioner standards will be met during your course of hypnotherapy treatment.  

Hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff:

Achieving your goal is just a short journey away


How to make an appointment

The hypnosis test can help you assess your level of suggestibility prior to your first consultation. The article that follows the hypnosis test can also help your understanding of the hypnotic experience and of hypnotherapy as a method of treatment. You can then contact me by telephone, email or text to begin discussing your presenting condition or goal. Sometimes the prognosis is simplistic. On occasions, your condition has a complex background that needs refining. This discussion between us is in itself, is a skilled process. When a degree of clarity has been achieved, a mutually convenient appointment can be allocated to you. Each consultation lasts for approximately an hour.  

What happens in your first hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff consultation?

Your first consultation is divided in two important stages. The first stage involves:
  • Briefly reviewing your medical history. This can help establish if any medical conditions are contributing to your presenting condition.
  • Exploring if any recent lifestyle changes are inhibiting your ability to achieve your goal.
  • Identifying how you are generally coping with your situation by examining your lifestyle issues e.g. sleeping habits, drinking and eating patterns etc.
  • Discussing any background issues related to your presenting condition to explore how the condition has developed. This discussion can also help establish any connected beliefs and values.
  • Confirm your treatment goal and devise your treatment plan.
  • Ease your concerns and expectations about hypnosis. More information on this can be found in the latter part of the hypnosis test (see the link above).
The second stage of the consultation uses hypnosis techniques that incorporate all what has been discussed in the first part of the consultation listed above.  

What happens in follow-up sessions?

Your progress is monitored and any developing issues are analysed. Advanced hypnosis techniques are further developed to help you achieve your goal.  

Hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff: Location & Practice

The Therapy Centre: Hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff
The Therapy Centre: Hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff
The Therapy Centre is within easy reach of the Cardiff’s City Centre. Access is ideal if you work in Cardiff or if want to make a journey to the practice. By car, use any of the main link roads (Newport Road A4161, City Road, West Grove or Fitzalan Place A4160) to travel to The Therapy Centre. Parking: The Therapy Centre has a free car park for clients situated at the back of the building. You can access the car park from the front entrance on The Parade. By train: From Queen Street train station, The Therapy centre is a short ten minute walk along Queen Street, Newport Road, West Grove leading into The Parade. The practice is situated towards the City Road end of The Parade. Trains from Cardiff Central train station to Queen Street depart every few minutes. Local train timetables can be checked for more information. By bus: The Therapy Centre is less than 5 minutes walk from bus stops located in City Road, West Grove and Newport Road. Check your local bus timetable for more information. The practice is accessible to other local areas including Aberdare, Barry, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cowbridge, Cwmbran, Dina Powys, Merthyr Tydfil, Newport and Penarth. The Practice: My hypnotherapy practice at The Therapy Centre is well established, having opened here since 1999. Previously it was offered at The DTR Clinic. Other traditional and complementary therapies offered at Therapy Centre include physiotherapy, osteopathy and acupuncture. Contact The Therapy Centre practice manager for an updated list of services on offer.  

For further information on how hypnotherapy can help you, contact Richard J D’Souza, senior hypnotherapist at Clinical Hypnotherapy Pontypridd & Cardiff.


Hypnotherapy Barry

Hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff

Hypnotherapy Barry and Cardiff is a professional hypnotherapy service that can help you to achieve your goal. Consultations are strictly confidential and use advanced hypnosis techniques that promote rapid changes in a variety of anxiety and stress-related conditions. Many people commonly associate hypnotherapy as an effective treatment for conditions such as smoking cessation, weight loss, phobias and unwanted habits. It can also be used to treat panic attacks, self confidence and self esteem issues, relationship issues and depression. As with other talking therapies, hypnotherapy can be used to treat conditions that affect your thoughts, emotions and behaviour such as public speaking, sports performance and sexual performance-related issues. You can access a more comprehensive list of conditions here.  

Hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff offers effective hypnotherapy treatments

across South Wales including The Vale of Glamorgan


How can you benefit from Hypnotherapy Barry and Cardiff treatments?

Hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff
Hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff can help you to achieve your goal
Experience – Richard has been in clinical practise since 1997. He has treated a wide range of conditions; many common and some quite obscure. His open approach to treating your condition will ensure that this extensive experience will be applied only where it is helpful, whilst still respecting your individual needs and background. Expertise – Knowing which techniques to use and how to use them to get results is a skill Richard has developed with his extensive practise.  Analytical, solution-focused and regression techniques are just some of the therapeutic methods employed to help you achieve your goal. Professionalism – Richard is a registered member of the top 3 hypnotherapy associations: The Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council, The Hypnotherapy Association, and a senior hypnotherapist with The General Hypnotherapy Register. When you are treated by a registered practitioner, you can be assured that they follow strict guidelines of clinical practise and professional conduct.  

Hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff:

A short journey will be worth taking to ensure that you get results


Booking a hypnotherapy treatment

This hypnosis test has been designed to help you assess your level of suggestibility prior to booking your first appointment. There is more information about the hypnotic experience and hypnotherapy as a method of treatment in the article that follows the test. You can contact me by telephone, text or email to discuss the suitability of your condition prior to making an appointment. Following this discussion, a mutually convenient appointment will be allocated to you. Your appointment can then be confirmed using the PayPal deposit link found in the Contact Details page.  

What happens in your first hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff consultation?

In the first part of your consultation, your personal details are confirmed and the following stages are then completed:
  • A brief medical history is taken to identify if any medical conditions are impacting on your presenting condition or on your ability to achieve your goal.
  • Recent lifestyle changes are examined to determine if they are affecting your ability to achieve your goal.
  • General lifestyle issues (e.g. sleeping patterns and eating habits) are analysed to help identify how you are coping with your presenting condition.
  • Background issues directly related to your presenting condition or therapeutic goal are discussed to identify causes and help understand the development of your condition to its current state.
  • Any fears and misconceptions about hypnosis are identified and alleviated. More information on the experience of hypnosis can be found in the follow-on article in the hypnosis test (see link above).
  • Your treatment goal is confirmed and a treatment plan is devised, taking into account all of the previous stages of the initial part of the consultation.
In the second stage of the consultation, hypnotic techniques are used to treat your presenting condition and focus you towards your therapeutic goal.  

What happens in your follow-up treatments?

In any follow-up consultations, the first part of the session will review your progress from the first consultation and any other significant developments will also be discussed. Suggestions and advanced techniques used for the hypnosis (in the second part of the session) are continuously adapted to focus you towards your goal.  

Hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff: Location

The Therapy Centre: Hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff
The Therapy Centre: Hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff
The Therapy Centre has an excellent location, being conveniently located close to Cardiff’s City Centre. The main roads leading to The Parade include: Newport Road A4161, City Road A4160, Fitzalan Place A4160 and West Grove. The main trunk roads make The Therapy Centre easily accessible to districts outside of Cardiff including Barry, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cowbridge, Cwmbran, Merthyr Tydfil, Newport, Penarth and Pontypridd. Parking: Clients visiting the practice can benefit from free parking. The Therapy Centre car park is situated at the back of the building and can be accessed via the main entrance drive from The Parade. Public transport: Cardiff Queen Street Station is approximately a 10 minute walk to The Therapy Centre. Trains between Cardiff Central train station and Queen Street Station leave every few minutes. There are also several Cardiff buses using the main trunk roads that stop close to The Therapy Centre.  More information can be found in your local train/bus timetable. The Practice: The Therapy Centre offers various therapies to the local community including physiotherapy, acupuncture and osteopathy. Contact the practice for an updated list of traditional and complementary therapies on offer today. Hypnotherapy is a well-established at this practice. Richard has offered this treatment here since 1999 and prior to this at The DTR Clinic.       

For further information on how hypnotherapy can help you, contact Richard J D’Souza, senior hypnotherapist at Clinical Hypnotherapy Barry & Cardiff.


Hypnotherapy Bridgend

Hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff

Hypnotherapy Bridgend and Cardiff offers you professional hypnotherapy consultations to treat a variety of anxiety and stress-related conditions. Each consultation is strictly confidential and uses advanced hypnosis techniques to help you achieve your goal. Hypnotherapy can be used to treat numerous conditions that affect your thoughts, emotions and behaviour. Common conditions include weight management, smoking cessation, breaking unwanted habits and eliminating phobias. But hypnotherapy can also be used to treat self-confidence, low self-esteem, panic attacks, relationship issues and depression. Many performance-related issues such as sports performance, public speaking and sexual performance can also be transformed with hypnotherapy. You can find a comprehensive list of conditions here.  

Hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff offers effective

      hypnotherapy treatments across South Wales


How can Hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff help you achieve your goal?

Professionalism – Registered members of hypnotherapy associations follow strict guidelines relating to their code of conduct and standards of clinical practise. Richard J. D’Souza is a registered member of 3 hypnotherapy associations: The Hypnotherapy Association, the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council, and a senior hypnotherapist with The General Hypnotherapy Register. Experience – Richard has been in professional practise since 1997. You can benefit from his extensive 20 plus years experience helping clients achieve their goals for a variety of conditions. Expertise – A variety of techniques are skilfully applied to treat your condition including solution-focused, analytical and regression hypnosis methods. You can be assured that the best therapeutic methods will be employed to help you achieve your goal.  

Hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff:

A small journey is worth taking when it gets you results


Booking a consultation

Before you book your first appointment, try this hypnosis test to assess your level of suggestibility. The article that follows it will also give you more information about the hypnotic experience and about hypnotherapy as a method of treatment. You may want to discuss the suitability of your condition prior to making an appointment. You can contact me by telephone, text or email in the first instance. A mutually convenient appointment will be allocated to you. You can then access the PayPal deposit link found in the Contact Details page to confirm your appointment.  

What happens in your first hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff consultation?

Hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff
Choose hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff to achieve your goal
There are two main stages of your first consultation. In the first stage:
  • After you personal details are confirmed, a brief medical history is taken to establish if there are any connections with your presenting condition/goal.
  • Lifestyle issues and recent lifestyle changes are analysed to establish how you are coping with your presenting condition and whether these lifestyle changes are affecting your ability to achieve your goal.
  • Background issues relating to your presenting condition or therapeutic goal are outlined to determine how it has influenced your present condition.
  • Your treatment goal is confirmed and a treatment plan is designed taking into account the issues already discussed.
  • Any remaining fears about hypnosis are examined. More information about hypnosis can be found in the article that follows the hypnosis test (see link above).
Hypnosis is used in the second stage of your first consultation. Hypnotic techniques incorporating suggestions formed from the earlier part of the session will help treat your presenting condition and help you achieve your therapeutic goal.  

What happens in the follow-up consultations?

Where follow-up consultations are needed, your progress and any developing issues are discussed in the first part of the session. Advanced hypnotic techniques are continuously revised in the second part of the session to ensure that your treatment is focused towards achieving your goal.  

Hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff: Location

The Therapy Centre: Hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff
The Therapy Centre: Hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff
The Therapy Centre is conveniently situated in the heart of Cardiff’s City Centre. By car, you can use any of the major link roads leading into Cardiff including Newport Road A4161, City Road, Fitzalan Place A4160 and West Grove. The Therapy Centre is easily accessible to all other areas outside of Cardiff including Barry, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cowbridge, Cwmbran, Merthyr Tydfil, Newport, Penarth and Pontypridd. Parking: There is a free car park available for practice clients situated behind The Therapy Centre building. The entrance can be accessed from The Parade. Public transport: The Therapy Centre is about a 10 minute walk from Cardiff Queen Street train station. Trains from Cardiff Central train station depart every few minutes to Queen Street Station. There are also several Cardiff buses that run through the main link roads close to The Parade. Please check your train/bus timetable for more information. The Practice: The Therapy Centre offers a number of traditional and complementary therapies including physiotherapy, acupuncture and osteopathy. Richard J. D’Souza has offered Hypnotherapy here since 1999, having offered it previously at DTR Clinic.  

For further information on how hypnotherapy can help you, contact Richard J D’Souza, senior hypnotherapist at Clinical Hypnotherapy Bridgend & Cardiff.


Hypnotherapy Caerphilly

Hypnotherapy Caerphilly & Cardiff

Hypnotherapy Caerphilly and Cardiff offers you confidential hypnotherapy treatments to the highest professional standards. Hypnotherapy can be used to treat stress and anxiety-related conditions that can affect your thoughts, emotions and behaviour. Common conditions include smoking cessation, weight loss, breaking habits, removing phobias and boosting self confidence. But hypnotherapy can also be used to treat relationship issues, low self-esteem, depression, panic attacks and performance issues e.g. with sports and public speaking. You can find a more comprehensive list of conditions here.

Hypnotherapy Caerphilly & Cardiff offers professional

      hypnotherapy treatments across South Wales


How will you benefit from Hypnotherapy Caerphilly & Cardiff?

Hypnotherapy Caerphilly & Cardiff
Choose hypnotherapy Caerphilly & Cardiff to achieve your goal
Expertise - Using powerful techniques that are tailored to your treatment needs. Solution-focused, regression and analytical methods are combined to facilitate positive change. Experience – In clinical practice since 1997, you can benefit from his extensive 20 plus years experience treating clients for a variety of conditions. Professionalism – Richard J. D’Souza is a registered hypnotherapy practitioner with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council, the Hypnotherapy Association and a senior hypnotherapist with the General Hypnotherapy Register. These hypnotherapy associations ensure that their registered members follow the highest standards of clinical practise.  

Hypnotherapy Caerphilly & Cardiff:

A short journey is worth the trip to get the advanced help that you need


Booking an appointment

Before booking your first appointment, you can establish your level of suggestibility by answering questions in this hypnosis test. The continuation article will also help you understand what to expect in a hypnotic state and during your hypnotherapy treatment. You can contact me by telephone or email to discuss details of your presenting condition. A mutually convenient appointment can then be booked and confirmed with an online deposit using the PayPal link found in the Contact details page.  

What happens in your first hypnotherapy Carphilly & Cardiff treatment?

In the first stage of your consultation:
  • A brief medical history is taken to establish if you have any medical conditions and identify if there any links to your presenting condition.
  • Lifestyle changes are discussed to confirm if they are affecting your ability to achieve your goal.
  • Lifestyle issues are analysed to determine how you are coping with the effects of your presenting condition.
  • Background issues specific to your presenting condition or goal are traced to ascertain how it has evolved and how it has influenced your belief system.
  • Your treatment goal is confirmed and a relevant treatment plan is formulated.
  • Any fears about hypnosis are discussed. More information on hypnosis can be found in the latter section of the hypnosis test (see link above).
In the second stage of your consultation, hypnosis is used to help treat your presenting condition and achieve your therapeutic goal.  

Follow-up consultations

In your follow-up consultations, your progress will be reviewed in the first part of the session along with any developing issues since your previous consultation. Advanced hypnosis techniques will be continuously revised for the second part of the session to ensure that your treatment is helping your presenting condition and achieving your goal.  

Hypnotherapy Caephilly & Cardiff: Practice location & services

The Therapy Centre: Hypnotherapy Caerphilly & Cardiff
The Therapy Centre: Hypnotherapy Caerphilly & Cardiff
Situated in Roath, The Therapy Centre is very close to the heart of Cardiff’s City Centre. By car, The Therapy Centre can be accessed by using Cardiff City’s major link roads (Newport Road A4161, City Road, Fitzalan Place A4160 and West Grove. The practice is within easy reach of other local areas including Barry, Bridgend, Caerphilly, Cowbridge, Cwmbran, Merthyr Tydfil, Newport, Penarth and Pontypridd. Parking: A free car park for clients is situated behind The Therapy Centre building. Access the car park via the front entrance drive from The Parade. By train: Cardiff Queen Street train station is about a 10 minute walk from The Therapy Centre. Trains from Cardiff Central train station depart every few minutes to Queen Street Station. More information can be found by checking your local train timetables. The Practice: Traditional and Complementary therapies are available from The Therapy Centre and include physiotherapy, osteopathy, sports massage and acupuncture. Hypnotherapy is well-established at The Therapy Centre and has been offered for many years.  

For further information on how hypnotherapy can help you, contact Richard J D’Souza, senior hypnotherapist at Clinical Hypnotherapy Caephilly & Cardiff