Monthly Archives - November 2013

Registered Hypnotherapist in Cardiff

Registered Hypnotherapist in Cardiff


Are you looking for a Registered Hypnotherapist in Cardiff?

Searching for a hypnotherapist in Cardiff can be a bit of a minefield. What factors are important? Is the hypnotherapist reputable and trustworthy? For how long have they been qualified? What will their treatment plan involve?

By choosing a registered hypnotherapist in Cardiff, you can be confident that you will be treated by a hypnotherapy practitioner who follows a strict professional code of conduct and ethics. This means that my principal aim is helping you accomplish what you want.


Registered Hypnotherapist in Cardiff: Achieve your goal

Registered Hypnotherapist in Cardiff
A Registered Hypnotherapist in Cardiff can help you achieve your goal

What is your therapeutic goal? You are undoubtedly seeking help to change some aspect of your thinking, your beliefs, your emotions or your behaviour. Hypnotherapy is a very popular treatment for stopping smoking, losing weight and treating phobias.

Hypnotherapy can also be effective at treating other common conditions that involve stress and anxiety. These include panic attacks, insomnia, habits, OCD and relationship issues.

When health issues are impacting on your lifestyle, it’s important to have them treated by a competent professional therapist.


Choose a registered hypnotherapist in Cardiff

Did you know that anyone can still call themselves a hypnotherapist? If you want to set up a hypnotherapy practice, you can read a few books, learn a few hypnotherapy scripts and armed with your confidence, you can promote your commercial title as a “hypnotherapist”.

Fortunately, over the last twenty years, various hypnotherapy associations like the General Hypnotherapy Register, The International Hypnotherapy Association and the Complementay and Natural Healthcare Council have helped hypnotherapy become a recognised profession. Hypnotherapy Associations have taken steps to regulate the standards of hypnotherapy training and qualification and to supervise professional hypnotherapy practise after qualification. You can be assured that when you are treated by a registered hypnotherapist in Cardiff, this therapist meets the required professional criteria to help you achieve your goal.

By choosing a registered hypnotherapist in Cardiff, you can trust that this hypnotherapist has passed a recognised qualification, continues to actively develop their knowledge and skills, and use professionally recognised techniques to help you achieve your goal.


Change your thinking...Change your life!


Richard J D’Souza: a senior registered hypnotherapist in Cardiff

When you are selecting a registered hypnotherapist in Cardiff, you may also want to establish other important criteria. By choosing a senior registered hypnotherapist, you can be confident that you will benefit from at least 15 years experience of successfully treating hundreds of patients and treating various conditions. This will ensure that your goal can be achieved using the most effective hypnotherapy techniques and any underlying relevant issues will be addressed in your treatment plan.


For further information on how hypnotherapy can help you, contact Richard J D’Souza, senior registered hypnotherapist for Hypnotherapy Cardiff.



Hypnotherapy Practitioner in Cardiff

Choosing a Hypnotherapy Practitioner in Cardiff

Choosing the right Hypnotherapy Practitioner in Cardiff can make a world of a difference to the outcome. If you’ve never had a hypnotherapy consultation before then use this guide to help you make a more informed choice.

Even if your previous hypnotherapy course wasn’t a success, it doesn’t necessarily mean that hypnotherapy is not for you - it’s more about choosing the right Hypnotherapy Practitioner in Cardiff.


Hypnotherapy Practitioner in Cardiff
Decide your goal before employing a Hypnotherapy Practitioner in Cardiff

What is your goal?

Before making contact with a hypnotherapist, consider what you want from your treatment. Read about your condition and speak to some people who can help you to understand the nature of your condition e.g. your GP. You are experiencing your condition on the inside (subjectively). Often, the sufferer mistakenly considers the symptom to be the cause of their condition. There may be an emotion that is directing your behaviour.

Is your therapeutic goal realistic? Expecting a personality change from a hypnotherapy practitioner in Cardiff is unlikely to happen. But wanting to make a change in one part of your life is realistically achievable. Even if you can tick several of the boxes on the conditions list, identify your primary goal. Good questions to ask yourself include: When you have achieved your goal what will have changed? What can you do now that you have made this change? Your answer is likely to be related to your thoughts, feelings and behaviour e.g. I am a non-smoker.


Make some enquiries

First ask around if your family or friends know of a hypnotherapy practitioner in Cardiff. Getting a personal recommendation from a friend or family member can indicate that this hypnotherapist is trustworthy.

Each patient responds differently to hypnosis and to the individual hypnotherapist conducting the consultations. So aim to keep an open mind about how your own personal experience will compare to your referrer’s experience. If your friend made a dramatic change using hypnotherapy, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will respond in the same way. Everyone is different. Overly high expectations can hinder your own progress because you are overly focused on just “getting there”. There will be several reasons why your condition and response to treatment will be different.

If you are searching online for a hypnotherapy practitioner in Cardiff, then take your time to do your research. A professional-looking website will say something about the hypnotherapist’s presentation and attention to detail; a part-time hypnotherapist may not be as committed. The website should “feel” right on a commercial level when browsing, but other more important details should convince you to employ them (Registered practitioner, see below).


What information is important?

There are certain details on a website that are extremely important when choosing a Hypnotherapy Practitioner in Cardiff.

Registered Practitioner: Genuine registered practitioners will have their names listed on their Hypnotherapy Association’s website. Many of the Hypnotherapy Association websites have a link back to the Hypnotherapist’s website. Some of the more established Associations include the Hypnotherapy Association, General Hypnotherapy Register and Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council. Being listed can give you confidence that the hypnotherapist is qualified, registered and insured and that they follow a strict code of ethics and professional conduct. It also identifies that the hypnotherapist maintains Continuous Professional Development. Some Associations request that the Hypnotherapist is also CRB checked.

Don’t be swayed just by “letters” after a hypnotherapist’s name. Most of these “letters” simply reflect the Association registration details e.g. MHA shows that the hypnotherapist is a registered Member of the Hypnotherapy Association).

Testimonials: You would expect to see a few testimonials written from previous patients if a hypnotherapist is experienced and competent. But when compared to employing a Plumber or Electrician, most therapy patients are not always proud of needing therapy in the first place. In addition to this, many issues are sensitive and confidential and so very few people want to make their issues public. In my opinion, getting a genuine testimonial is rare.

Hypnotherapy Practice: You may prefer to be treated in a professional Therapy Centre rather than someone’s house. Clarify this if their location is vague on their website i.e. they say they “practice in Cardiff” without specifying the type of premises or the specific location.


Ask some questions...

When you have created your Hypnotherapy Practitioner in Cardiff shortlist, spend some time asking questions either by email, telephone or in person. Most therapists are happy to spend a few minutes discussing your issues and your suitability for treatment.

Ask them about how they treat your condition and what hypnotherapy techniques they use. Be wary of a hypnotherapist who advertises a fixed course of treatment e.g. one session to treat a phobia. Without them knowing your medical history, they won’t know how much your goal is affected by other health issues. Realistically, they may be able to estimate the number of treatment sessions, but use this as a guide. Saying that they treat a condition in a specified time does not necessarily mean that it can be done successfully in that time; it just implies their approach to your condition. What research have they done to verify this? If they have done research, all hypnotherapists and the NHS would be using these methods!

Be wary of any specific advertising of “cures” and “permanent changes”. If their treatment is that reliable, then research will have been completed and presented in a journal. If they advertise a “guarantee”, ask for it in writing before making a booking so that you can clearly see the terms and conditions. The terms and conditions would also be important if a hypnotherapist offers an upfront payment for a discounted course of treatment e.g. six sessions for the price of five. Can you stop the therapy if you are unhappy with how the course is progressing?

After having contacted your hypnotherapy practitioner in Cardiff and discussed your condition, you are more likely to book an appointment if your expectation has been raised. If not, think about it and ask them some more questions. Only book when you are ready.


For further information on how a hypnotherapy practitioner in Cardiff can help you, contact Richard J D’Souza - NHS senior registered Clinical Hypnotherapist



Clinical Hypnotherapy Cardiff

Clinical Hypnotherapy Cardiff

Clinical hypnotherapy Cardiff is an established (1997) Clinical Hypnotherapy and Stress Management practice specialising in the treatment of stress and anxiety-related conditions. The therapy commonly treats conditions like phobias, losing weight and smoking cessation. Stress and anxiety can also be associated with a number of other conditions including IBS, panic attacks, habits and insomnia.

Clinical Hypnotherapy Cardiff logo
Clinical Hypnotherapy Cardiff registered practitioner


Clinical Hypnotherapy Cardiff: Objective

The therapy uses a range of techniques and strategies to find the most direct way to help you achieve your therapeutic goal. Some goals can be achieved quickly using a solution-focused approach. When deep-rooted issues are apparent, techniques can be employed to re-frame the cause of a more complex condition. The therapy incorporates approaches used in other complementary therapies including Hypno-CBT, psychotherapy, counselling, NLP, Coaching and Stress Management.


Senior registered practitioner

You can be assured that you are being treated by a professionally qualified and licensed Clinical Hypnotherapist. He is a member of The Hypnotherapy Association and The Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council. He is also a senior member of The General Hypnotherapy Register and a qualified teacher. Registered practitioners are bound by a strict code of conduct and ethics, so you can trust that you are being treated competently and confidently by a qualified client-centred hypnotherapist.


Change your thinking...Change your life!



The practice is based at The Therapy Centre in Roath, Cardiff. The Therapy Centre offers a number of mainstream and complementary therapies including Physiotherapy, Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Shiatsu, Homeopathy and Sports Massage. The Therapy Centre treats patients privately and patients from local businesses.

The Therapy Centre has free parking if you are travelling by car. It is also within easy reach of Queen Street Railway station and accessible using Cardiff Bus service.


For further information on how hypnotherapy can help you, contact Richard J D’Souza, senior hypnotherapist.