Hypnotherapy can be used to treat a whole range of thoughts, beliefs, feelings and behaviours effectively and relatively quickly. If the condition is not listed, please feel free to discuss your condition. Many patients have never considered their condition to be treatable using a hypnotherapy treatment or to consider their condition to have a stress or anxiety connection. If you are in doubt, it is advisable to consult with your GP to deal with any underlying physiological issues.
Several patients enter a course of hypnotherapy already taking medication such as anti-depressants, tranquillizers or beta-blockers to deal with their symptoms. They may find that a psychological or emotional cause of the condition however, is still creating symptoms and affecting the quality of their life.
If you prefer to travel to the practice, face to face treatment is available for your condition/treatment goal. Remote hypnotherapy by video call is also available for national and international clients who prefer to be treated from home.

Anxiety-related conditions
- General anxiety, Coping with anxiety
- Anticipatory Anxiety
- Panic attacks
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
- Phobias (Many unusual phobias and their latin names e.g. emetophobia (sickness phobia), arachnophobia (spider phobia) are listed on numerous websites. Other common phobias include agoraphobia (fear of open spaces & public places), claustrophobia (fear of confined spaces) social phobia, dental phobia, dog phobia, flying phobia, needle phobia, and a clown phobia)
- Conditions with a Psycho-somatic component which can also be associated with health anxiety: High blood pressure (hypertension), Asthma, Eczema, Psoriasis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Tension headaches, Back and neck pain, Impotence, Insomnia, Dermatitis, Ulcers, Cancer, Multiple sclerosis (MS), Myalgic encephalitis (ME) and Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Crisis management
- Fear of Flying
- Fear of swallowing, fear of choking, dysphagia, phagophobia
- Social anxiety, (social phobia, fear of embarrassment, social anxiety disorder)
- Fear of losing control
Psycho-Sexual problems
- Impotence
- Erectile dysfunction
- Premature ejaculation
- Vaginismus (penetration phobia)
- Frigidity
- Fertility
- Hormonal changes: PMS, Menopause
Relationship Issues
- Jealousy
- Anger
- Abuse
- Infidelity
- Separation, divorce
- Building self-esteem
- Stop Smoking, How to stop smoking tips 1, Stop smoking tips 2,
- Comfort eating
- Nail-biting
- Hair pulling
- Teeth grinding and jaw clenching (bruxism)
- Addictions (general)
- Drinking alcohol
- Gambling
- Computer/Games addiction
- Food addiction
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessions, compulsions)
Weight Management and eating disorders
- Weight loss, Weight Loss Tips 1, Weight Loss Tips 2, How to diet and lose weight, Gastric Band Hypnotherapy, Overeating, Hypno band hypnotherapy,
- Food phobias
- Restrictive eating behaviour
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
Performance anxiety
- Fear of public speaking, Fear of public speaking and social anxiety, Public speaking tips
- Interviews
- Stage-fright
- Sports hypnosis for sports performance
- The Zone
- Shy bladder
- Exams (Revision, Concentration, creativity enhancement)
- Driving test
- Sales performance
- Stammering
- Writer’s block
- Pre-operation anxiety
Sleep-Related conditions
- Insomnia & Sleep Problems
- Nightmares, night terrors
- Bed wetting
- Sleep-walking
Stress Management
- Time management
- Goal setting
- Prioritising
- Motivation
- Procrastination, Revenge bedtime procrastination
- Assertiveness
- Relaxation training, Breathing techniques to relieve stress,
- Lifestyle management
- Identifying personal strategies
- Creating limitations
- Exercise to relieve stress
Emotional States
- Anxiety
- Building low self-confidence
- Building low self-esteem
- Anger, Anger management, frustration
- Depression (Dysthymia, Post Natal Depression, Seasonal Affective Disorder, reactive depression)
- Guilt,
- Shame
- Sadness
- Blame (feeling responsible)
- Embarrassment
- Assertiveness
- Motivation
Fatigue-related conditions
- ME
- Chronic Fatigue syndrome
- Post viral fatigue syndrome
- Stress/Anxiety
Hypnotherapy for children (and adults)
- Anxiety
- Shyness
- Self-confidence
- Low self-esteem
- Phobias
- Habits (nail-biting, thumb sucking)
- Blushing
- Stammering
- Anger
- Insomnia
- Hyperactivity
- Bed wetting
- Nightmares
- Eating/Food issues
- Bullying
- Goal setting
- Assertiveness
- Pain management
- Self hypnosis
- Affirmations
- Tinnitus
- Misophonia
- Earworms
- Migraine
- Childbirth
- Skin disorders (acne, eczema, psoriasis)
- Past life regression
- Regression hypnotherapy
- Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
- Overactive bladder
- Recovering from abuse
- Selective Mutism
- Memory retrieval
- Find lost items
- Erasing bad memories or forgetting someone
- Bereavement
- Body dysmorphia
- Body Esteem
- Perfectionism
contact Richard J D’Souza senior hypnotherapist
at Hypnotherapy Cardiff